Befrachtungskontor "HANSA" GmbH | Industriestraße 12-12a 28199 Bremen - Germany Tel.: +49-421-596 06 335 Email: |
Company domiciled in | Bremen, Germany |
Managing Director | Kay Bösch |
Register Court | Amtsgericht Bremen, HRB 27424 Ust.-Id. Nr.: DE 114401284 |
Logo | BFK Hansa is a registered trademark of Befrachtungskontor “Hansa” GmbH Bremen (DPMA Reg. No. 30 2012 016 051). |
Owner of the domain and responsible for contents | Kay Bösch |
Legal notice:
All information on this website are updated and validated by BFK Hansa GmbH carefully. Nevertheless the company accepts no responsibility or liability and does not guarantee for accuracy, timeliness, sequence or completeness of the website contents and is not liable for any direct, incidental, consequential, indirect or punitive damages arising of the use of any content on this site including viruses. This website contains hyperlinks to websites from other providers and agencies. BFK Hansa GmbH is not aware of the content of third-party websites and assumes no warranty or liability for any illegal content or other legal infringements on third-party websites. Use of this website and downloading of data is at the user’s own risk.
BFK Hansa is a registered trademark of Befrachtungskontor “Hansa” GmbH Bremen (DPMA Reg. No. 30 2012 016 051).